3 AI-mazing marketing tactics you can use as a small business

AI, it’s something we hear a lot about in the press and on socials BUT is there a way to use it within your small business?

The short answer is absolutely!! AI isn’t just for big biz types it can also help lovely small business owners like you learn more about their customers, communicate with them more effectively AND win some time back.

Not sure where to start? Here are three easy-to-implement ways you can use AI within your business.

1. Personalised Email Campaigns

AI can help you to analyse your customer data, helping you to better understand their preferences and behaviours. This means you can send emails that are not just relevant but personalised to your customers needs helping to move your customers further down your marketing funnel.

How to get started

  • Use AI tools like Mailchimp or HubSpot, which have built-in AI features.

  • Segment your email list based on customer data.

  • Create personalised content that speaks directly to each segment’s interests and needs.

Why it works

Personalised emails have higher open rates, better click-through rates, and ultimately, more conversions. Plus, your customers will appreciate the tailored approach!

2. Chatbots for Customer Engagement

We all know that having a great customer experience is key to brining in new customers and keeping your current one happy, BUT we can’t be available 24/7 to answer their queries … or can we?  

Using AI-powered chatbots adds an extra layer to your customer service as they can be used to guide customers through the buying process and helping out with any frequently asked questions.

How to get started

  • Integrate chatbots like Drift, Intercom, or even Facebook Messenger bots into your website or social media platforms.

  • Train your chatbot to understand common customer questions and provide accurate answers, in your brand tone of voice

  • Regularly update your chatbot’s knowledge base to ensure it stays relevant.

Why it works

Chatbots enhance customer experience by providing instant responses. They also free up your time so you can focus on delivery or working on your business rather than in it.

3. Social Media Insights and Management

Social media can be a goldmine for customer insights if you know how to dig. AI tools can help you analyse social media interactions, track trends, and even predict what type of content will engage your audience the most.

How to get started

  • Use AI-powered tools like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, BuzzSumo or Buffer (amongst many others).

  • Use the insights tools in the native apps and scheduling apps to understand what’s working and what’s not when it comes to content types, posting times and #’s.

  • Use AI to identify trending topics and provide content creation inspo.

Why it works

Using AI tools can help you to stay ahead of trends, give you ideas on how you can engage with your audience more effectively, and make data-driven decisions around what content to create.

If you’re struggling for inspo or where to start when it comes to captions it can also help you with creating captions for your posts to. Just make sure you read and tweak them, so you don’t loose any of your lovely brand personality.

But the robots haven’t taken over yet …

Using AI within your small business can truly transform how you understand and engage with your customers. From personalised email campaigns to chatbots and social media management, these tools can help you streamline your operations and help you keep your customers happy.

But to really stand out from the crowd and bring in great results it’s important to get that person / robot mix right and tailor the technology to fit your unique business needs.

Combining the expertise of a marketing consultant with the power of AI creates a powerful dynamic duo for small businesses. With the marketing consultant bringing the strategic insights and personalised guidance and AI bringing the cutting-edge tools to help measure your successes and optimise your marketing efforts, making this combination a powerful mix for driving growth and success.

Want some help getting started with using AI to market your business head on over to the contact page and lets get a discovery call booked in.  Drop me a message! I’m here to help you navigate the exciting world of AI in marketing.


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