Books for little humans
to spread kindness, self belief and love
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin …
Once upon a time …
A small brummie kid wrote a story which re-imagined an old fairytale making the lead female more of a bad-ass who went out and found her own happy ending without waiting for a bloke to rescue her. She not only won an award for it but she also fell in love with creative writing.
Well that small brummie kid was me and since then writing a book has been a dream of mine, I’ve always wanted to share stories with small people that are about kindness and embracing the person they are.
2022 was the year I decided to make this dream a reality and started to write my first book inspired by my daughter and her ability to see the good in every living thing.
Pre-order coming soon
My first book follows a group of friends and someone that considers themselves to be an outsider. It’s a short tale that is all about kindness and accepting people for who they are.
The book is currently at illustration stage and will be released for sale later on in 2023. Check back soon to pre-order your little ones copy.