lovely words from lovely people

“Our new website wasn't doing anything until Jules put her magic touch to it. She looked in to the analytics and got our traffic lights from red to green! Jules kept in touch and offered advice on making improvements. Straight away we started getting web activity and quote requests which turned in to jobs, making the money spent on the website an investment and not an expense. Thank you Jules for your patience and making something I didn't understand make sense. I would thoroughly recommend working with Jules for a professional but friendly approach to all your social marketing needs.”

— Raina, QPrint

“Jules is just amazing. If you need help with your marketing - she's the person to speak to.”

— Jo, Jo Medhurst Therapies

“Jules is such a fun person to work with! I have never outsourced my social media management before and I couldn't even imagined how another person could do that for me but it was most certainly one of the best decisions I made for my business recently. She is one of those small business owners that will always overdeliver as she loves what she does! She really took the time to get to know my business and me as a person. She obviously does all the background bits and data and statistics and marketing and techy stuff, but for me the biggest help was to take the pressure off me doing the daunting task of keeping up with marketing while I try to run my actual business. She has also done PR for me that I have never done before and wouldn't even know where to start. As a result I was already featured in the press! I highly recommend her if you need a marketing professional that feels more like your business bestie!”

— Agnes, Agnes Agocs Interiors

“I have had the pleasure of working with Jules on a number of projects, from the design and build of new websites, the creation and delivery of digital marketing campaigns through to event and social media support services. An absolute delight to work with, Jules brings a proactive and agile approach to any project. Capturing requirements perceptively, Jules delivers effective creative solutions and is always prepared to go the extra mile to ensure the result is the best that it can be.”

— Jo, Jo Tasker Consulting Ltd

“Thank you so much for the effort that you have put in, in relation to our messaging, website, social media and wider engagement. I’ve really enjoyed working with you and your ever-sunny disposition over the past few months. You will certainly be my first port-of-call for future marketing services.”

— Mat, DiscoTech

“We needed the support of a marketeer who could really capture and bring to life the energy and enthusiasm of what we are trying to do and Jules has risen to the challenge. She has developed and executed a lively but considered marketing strategy, built a deep and rich set of digital outputs, authored and managed a programme of differentiating thought leadership and leveraged social media with great impact to drive home our message”

— Charley, DiscoTech

“Thanks Jules for delivering your fantastic training to my group I found it really helpful and I know they did to! I received this message from one of my group members following the training “please let Jules know I found it so helpful and because of that I completely sorted my content pillars at long last as I had been struggling with organising my thoughts””

— Jules, The Website Success Hub