Marketing Strategy Sessions

I love it when a plan comes together!

Feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of creating a marketing strategy for your lovely business? Our strategy sessions are here to help!

I know the word strategy can strike fear and if we’re honest a touch of boredom, but it doesn’t need to be that way. Having a solid plan in place makes the fun stuff way easier, saves you from wasting time and money on things that won’t work and helps you get to where you want to be quicker.

In the strategy session we'll dive into what’s working, pinpoint areas for improvement, and set clear, achievable goals. Leaving you feeling confident and on the right track to achieve your big goals with a tailored plan that fits your business perfectly.

Prices start from £650

Why book?

Tailored to you and your business

When it comes to marketing there is a lot of advice out there, it can be a bit overwhelming and it can be difficult to really understand what will work best for you. I’ll take the time to get to know you better, what you want to achieve and who your ideal clients are. Then I’ll create a solution that fits your business goals and budgets perfectly.

Straightforward Advice

Running a small business can sometimes feel like you’re juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle, so let’s face it you don’t have the time to decipher a load of marketing jargon. I’ll provide you with an easy to understand marketing strategy that is practical and easy to implement.

A Safe Pair of Hands

I know that your fabulous business is your baby / your dream / the thing that provides for your family so you want to be sure that the marketing of it is in safe hands. I’ve been doing this for a while and I’ve helped some really wonderful businesses increase their visibility, attract more customers and reach their goals. But don’t just take my word for it. Head this way to check out testimonials from my lovely clients.

How it works

Step 1 - The Research

Once you're all booked in, I'll start by taking a close look at your current social media and website so I can get a better idea of what you do and your brand personality.

Step 2 - The Session

During our session we’ll take a deep dive in to your business. Looking at what you want to achieve now and in the future, what challenges you are facing, who your competition is and the budget you are working with. We’ll also look at what marketing you are currently doing and how well it’s going. This session will be recorded and sent to you along with your bespoke plan so you can refer back to it at a later date should you wish.

Step 3 - The Plan

With all the data and information collected in our time together I will create a tailored marketing strategy for your business, complete with a step by step guide on how to implement the strategy within your business and how you’ll measure the success to. Then it’s over to you to get stuck in and start seeing results.

Want more support?

You’ve got a plan and a route map to get you where you want to be BUT getting started can sometimes feel daunting can’t it? So if you need a little more support I can help you in two different ways.

  1. Getting you off the starting blocks - I can create templates, set up systems and deliver the first three to six months of the strategy from content creation and socials to PR and email campaigns to get you started. Prices start from just £675 per month.

  2. Accountability Buddy add on - In addition to our strategy session I can add on 4 accountability calls that you can have once a month or once a quarter. For each session we’ll have a cuppa and a catch up online to see how things are going and make sure you are staying on track for when you want to achieve. This add on costs £600 and will be added on to your strategy session invoice.

once you know where you want to be everything else is just problem solving