Steps to believing in yourself
Ten years ago, I went from a “big job” in the City to being self-employed to be more fulfilled and more present for my boys. And already right there I feel I’m downplaying who I now am vs who I was before, sound familiar? I primarily worked, and still do, in health and wellbeing. Recommending a brand of plant-based nutrition and skincare, which couldn’t be more different from the finance world I was in before.
Here are some tips for believing in yourself and looking after yourself that have really helped me on this journey, mentally and practically:
Surround yourself with people who have belief. If you are around low vibe chat that will rub off. Spend time thinking about things you want to happen, not on things you don’t want to happen. Love is the highest vibration; you cannot control the actions of others, but you can control who you spend time with and what you think about.
Show up for yourself, with a steady pace anything is achievable. It’s normal to not feel motivated to work. So, plan in advance, schedule it, make a list, do the things. Discipline is the ultimate freedom. Be the person who reads the books, does the work, goes the extra mile and helps others too. You’ll also be an excellent role model for those around you. I’m convinced that my boys, who are now in sixth form and Uni, have discipline (pretty much) and study well (no matter how surprised I am at that!!) because that’s what they saw when they were little, watching commuter Mum. Act like the person you want to become and remember little eyes/clients/naysayers (delete as appropriate) are watching.
Lean into discomfort. 2% of people will take the stairs if there’s an elevator, but 100% of people know that taking the stairs is healthier for them. We’re wired to take the path of least resistance. Favour temporary discomfort over what you want. Whether it’s at the gym, eating well, or with work. Incidentally it’s why we call our healthy living plan “30 Days to Healthy Living and Beyond”, because it’s about picking up good habits for long enough for them to stick. Are you having those difficult conversations with clients or you team? Are you being healthy and looking after you the asset in your business, not just the business? Take time for you, you can eat well and exercise but your “stress bucket” can still be filling up.
Be brilliantly you, one way to erode self-belief is to try to be someone else. That person whose socials are amazing, or who seems to have it all together. Someone once said to me “never compare your lows to someone else’s highlight reel”. Let go of other people’s opinions of you, or what you should be doing (in their eyes).
So, find your tribe, stick up for you, show up for you, do the thing that’s uncomfortable, look after yourself, and be you, you have so much to give. No two people are the same, we all shine in different ways.
Kate Cherry | Arbonne Independent Consultant and Athena Regional Director | 07909 675 333 |
Kate Cherry - Arbonne Independent Consultant and Athena Regional Director