5-Day Visibility Challenge

This September embrace that back-to-school vibe and join me for a 5-Day Visibility Challenge, running from 16th to 20th of September.

Created specifically for lovely small business owners, like you, this challenge is a fun way of learning how to increase your visibility and attract more customers.

How it will work…

Each day I’ll be popping in to your inbox and the Facebook group with a challenge for you to complete.

The challenges have been designed to be completed in an hour or less, getting you closer to your visibility goals without adding too much extra work to your to-do list. Some of the tasks will be strategy focused and some will be practical tasks but all of them will help you to get in front of your ideal customer.

On the 20th September at 10am I’ll be delivering the final challenge live, during that session you’ll also have the opportunity to share any progress and ask any questions you may have.

Over the course of the week we’ll cover things like social media, online presence and content creation.

The group will remain open for 1 week after the challenge ends so if you miss anything or want to revisit anything you will be able to do so for a short amount of time.

Thank you for your interest, sign up has now closed.

Keep an eye on socials for details of upcoming challenges and other new stuff.