All the latest…
From business updates and marketing tips to how to thrive in self employed life and everything in between. Grab yourself a cuppa and get stuck in.

Small biz, big impact – big brand tactics you can use for your small biz
Think that some bits of marketing are just for the big brands? Think again, there are many tactics that big brands use that you can implement within your wonderful small business to. Read on to find out more >>

3 easy ways to make your marketing more inclusive
Want some easy to implement tips to make your small business welcoming and accessible to everyone? Head this way >

The benefits of getting to know your ideal customer
It can be easy to leap in to marketing your business, however to make it as effective as possible you need to really understand WHO you are targeting and creating all that lovely content for.
Head this way to find out more about creating ideal customer profiles and the benefits they bring >

5 tips to start your SEO journey
As a business owner, you can’t afford to ignore your SEO. The benefits of having an efficient and strategic approach to SEO are numerous. From making it easier for customers to find your business online to improving conversions and ultimately making more sales, these strategies will help you grow your business in a number of ways. Head this way for 5 tips to start your SEO journey…

Content Ideas for April ‘23
April 2023 is just a few days away so if you’re stuck for ideas of things to share on your socials, grab yourself a cheeky hot cross bun and spend five mins here with me.